Sunday, September 3, 2023


What a fabulous couple of weeks we have had - exciting, fun, apprehensive, new experiences, etc.  Our daughter came to visit for a week to help me with some loose ends of this moving adventure.  Unfortunately, that did not materialize as planned as she developed a fever and became ill.  So she had to be careful and take it easy and get her immune system back in check.  Sad to have her so close but not to be able to play for a couple of days.

Then there was this birthday!  MINE!  Yay!  I am always happy to receive birthdays.  This one had a very special surprise from my children - Terri (Mark), Tim (Lisa) and it was absolutely perfect!  Something I wanted for our new life here in FL but thought it would have to wait for a bit.

I am beyond the moon!  There was a knock on my door around 7 am (good thing I was dressed huh?) and it was our daughter up out of her sick bed.  She told me to come outside and there was this beauty!  The color is beyond happy!  Such fun!  I have taken it through the neighborhood every morning at 7 am and am loving it!  

Then our next new experience was Hurricane Idalia (sp?).  It actually when north of us by about 100 miles but still an anticipatory experience for newbies.  Fortunately we did not even get very rough winds or rain - and I am not complaining!


Daughter slowly regained her strength and while we can't do physical work we are happily working on the upcoming Duo Designs Stitching Retreat for September 22-25 in northern Kentucky.  Not only are we excited but our participants are excited too!

Teresa and the events coordinator have been tirelessly working on the second most important thing of these wonderful get togethers - FOOD! The time has come where participants have to make some decisions such as do they want BBQ ribs or BBQ chicken for one of the nightly plated dinners!  Tough huh?

Finishing touches are going on the models as we plan, stitch, reverse stitch, try again, etc.  Last minute items are being added to kits.  Surprises galore are also being packed away to be shipped out in time for the great gathering.  Oh my, oh my, oh my!

What can be any more glorious for stitchers than to run away for a beautiful weekend to play in a relaxing setting with fellow stitchers, renew acquaintances and add some new ones as well.  A lovely group of ladies from coast to coast are joining us and we could not be more excited!


No sooner do we unpack from our fabulous DDI Stitching Retreat than we gather up our items for the lovely Greece Isles Stitching Cruise!  We will begin with 2 marvelous days in Venice - can never go to Venice too many times - before we board our ship to begin exploring so many lovely islands.  We have been on this beautiful ship before and look forward to her spoiling us again - the Azamara Pursuit.

Participants are busy selecting the excursions of their particular interests and also thinking of what they want to stitch and receive assistance with from the teachers while onboard.    Some have sent pictures of what they will be working on and it is so fun to see and think about.

Well off to getting more stuff packed for shipping north - look forward to seeing those attending very soon!  Stay safe and have a wonderful Labor Day here in the States.


Brenda's Needlepoint Studio Blog said...

Love the pink bike!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you 💕🎂 see you in a few weeks in KY. Looking forward to it

Anonymous said...

What big changes you have made! Hope the trips are each spectacular!

Anonymous said...

So looking forward to meeting you and learning!