SWOOSH! And just like that 2017 is history!
Sorry guys but I gotta say that the year of 2017 sure went by fast! 2017 was a year that many are happy to put behind them. However, we cannot do anything about that now so our efforts are to be put towards what is ahead! My Daddy used to tell me, don't look behind you because we are not going that way! Isn't that great? 2018 I sure hope you are ready for me!
This popped up on my Facebook page and I could not express my feelings any better than laid out here.
Online Mystery Classes are forging ahead! In October we shared with you our full agenda for 2018. Be sure to scroll down and make a copy to refer to so you will not miss a class on a special design you might be contemplating.
We will start January 2018 with 3 (yes 3!) new designs.
We will have our scheduled Moon Gazer from Brenda Stofft.
This beauty will be the first in 2018 to be a semi-monthly class. There will be 6 lessons as before but we will post every other month instead of monthly. This approach has been requested several times so we will see how it goes. Be sure to give me your feedback one way or the other as we move along.
Next will begin the Reindeer Series from Raymond Crawford.
We will kick off this series with the Reindeer that has the Pineapple blanket. This series of classes will be $150 for the 4-lesson packet per design. These will be lessons that have been compacted down to 4 months in order to get through the series quicker. (Totally different approach from the semi-monthly huh?) There will also be a lot of common stitches and threads as this series is being approached by me as a set to be displayed together. I will mention and suggest some alternative techniques as we progress along for those who are just doing one or a few or who do not want them all to be alike.
Then we will have our first QUICKIE for 2018. We are going to share the Christmas Stars - 12 Days of Christmas from Raymond Crawford.
As I am so unpredictable I thought I'd get creative and begin with the first star! The Partridge in the Pear Tree. (I know, I know - how can you stand such wildness?)

Is that a sneaky way to share a picture of my wonderful fireplace again? I'm looking at this scene right now as we have not removed all our holiday stuff as yet.
If you would like to participate in any of these classes just drop an email to me at duodesignsinc@yahoo.com and we can discuss the various approaches and specials that we are offering. Lots of exciting stuff being offered this year.
To jump ahead a little, we are going to do 3 of JP Needlepoint's cute animal collections: Catitudes, Dog Gone Good and Every Bunny Needs Some Bunny.
I mention these now because recently a cute frame was shown that is perfect for the Dog Gone Good canvas. In case some of you would like to have one for your design I would suggest you hop over to the website of Deuxbijoix and get yours ordered right away. If you think about it, please mention that you saw it mentioned here. I do not know the cost, etc.
Just too cute don't you think? And how about adding hooks at the bottom for leashes, leads, etc? I am not connected with these folks in any way but I thought you, my students, might like a little more enabling help along the way.
Hey, did you guys give some money for Christmas? Need a way to spend it? Please consider joining us for our Stitching Down the Danube Cruise in October 2018! We had so much fun on Party on the Po that it is hard to tell what all we will get into on this one. We will visit 4 countries as we stitch along enjoying the scenery, history and most of all the camaraderie of others sharing our passion.
Jump over to the Facebook Page of Needles 'N Fins and ask to join. That is our general cruising interest page where we share different highlights, receive inquiries, etc. Our travel agent Liz (lwolak@vikingtvl.com) at Viking Travel is most helpful and will answer all questions concerning the cruise. I just answer stitching questions - lol - I don't know one end of a boat from the other. I just know they are wonderful to be on when cruising down a very serene river (not too crazy about the big ocean jobs - had my share of rough water - no thanks!)
Well that's it for 2017. I am looking forward to 2018! Be safe and have good health in the New Year.