In Kentucky our numbers continue to rise. One note of encouragement was that day before yesterday we had 50 new cases and yesterday we had 54 new ones - quite a difference in the speed of acceleration. However I am not one to put too much on the numbers. How many tests are being conducted? How many results are coming in? How many have the virus and don't even know it? I fear we are just at the tip of the iceberg - and I'm an optimist!
Hubby and I have been self-isolated since at least 3-18-20 and I have been even longer than that and we don't mind at all. We did get in the car and drive to the bank drive through one day for a change of scenery. We walk to the mailbox and back each day which is a whooping acre+ - lol. Mailbox at end of the looooooonnnngggg winding driveway. Don't want to overdo it. We're not 'isolated' just cautious of the idiots amongst us. Who knows - maybe they were in that beach mob in FL!
We have now had the pleasure of adding the wonderful experience of ordering our groceries online and having them delivered. That exercise in itself has been quite entertaining. I learned the hard way that you can request 'no substitutes'. Did you know that a gallon of milk is a viable substitute for 2 cans of Carnation evaporated milk? Who knew? Live and learn.

We have had some unseasonably warm days (high 70's) so hubby has been able to get out on his tractor and mow. In other words he is in heaven. I sit and do what I always do - stitch and write. We never have been much social butterflies so it hasn't been all that difficult for us. Pretty much life as it is except for the eating out every now and then and just getting in the car and running here or there as we please - not.
Peek behind the saucer magnolia and he is behind the tractor wheel banging on something - lol.
I do hope you all take this situation we now find ourselves in very seriously. I look at it as an event that if we screw up we likely won't get a second chance to make it right. I still have a lot I want to share with you so Sandy's butt is staying on Arthur Acres! Please stay home and take care of you and yours.
With all the news conferences and orders and regulations and-and-and going on I did not share the last lessons with you.
On our Fall Welcome Wreath we added more background - this time in the form of various leaves.
At The Seashore gave us the window scene. That in itself was a canvas!
We had sky, clouds, water, sand, seagrass and even the architectural touch of the window framing! Phew!
Registration is still active for Kissmas Eve. We will start sending invoices out for this cutie sometime in the next week or so. The first scheduled lesson is mid-May so don't miss it.
Also being registered is the Lovable Llama!
I cannot help but think this is a stinking cute guy! Look at that personality. He's has those eyes that look deeply into yours with promises of who knows what. Look at that seductive smile drawing you in even more. And of course he has style! He's not afraid of color or flaunting his assets! This is going to be great fun! This class is scheduled to begin mid-July. The 6-lesson packet is $150. We will be invoicing around the first of June on this one. Just email us at to sign up for classes. Get that canvas ordered through your LNS. If you need assistance we can direct you to a shop that will be ordering and kitting as well.
Face-2-Face Events
Gosh! Who knows. We've had so many cancelled. Currently registration is ongoing for the ANG Seminar scheduled for August in Tucson, AZ. We are scheduled to teach and are praying that life will be returning to normal by them. Check out the classes offered at Lots of wonderful options. Of course I'd love for you to join my classes if they are to your liking.
May has us teaching in Orlando, FL at The Black Sheep. We're doing the hair techniques class and then the project of the wonderful Wacky Flamingos.
Contact Anne at the shop for details.
NEEDLES 'N FINS STITCHING ADVENTURES - ask to join the Facebook Page
We are exploring the possibilities of rescheduling the Tulips cruise for sometime March-April 2022. But there is a lot going on and we seem to be moving at a snail's pace. We'll keep you posted on the FB Page - Tulip Time on the Rhine.
On a much sunnier note - the brochure for our Hawaiian Island Hopping Stitching Adventure has been released. I think it might need a little tweaking but at least the agency has been able to provide us with the important stuff so we can plan. We have several already registered and that is encouraging. Here's the thing, apparently with all the cruises that were canceled people are scrambling trying to get ahead of everyone else to get the staterooms they want. So keep that in mind when considering this cruise.
The trip begins April 15 through April 24, 2021. I'm going to try and copy the header from the brochure and insert below so I don't mess it up:
' The cruise begins with 2-nights in Honolulu, followed by 7-nights on the Pride of America!
Only Norwegian Cruise Line visits four islands in seven days with overnight stays in Maui and Kaua'i, so you're on an island each and every day. Which means you'll have plenty of time to hike up a waterfall, take a helicopter ride over an active volcano or just enjoy stitching under a palm tree. Who wouldn't want to spend 7 days on a cruise to explore paradise?
Enjoy special amenities when you book a balcony stateroom, including an unlimited open bar, shore excursion credits, 3 nights of specialty dining, wifi credit, and a $100 onboard credit! An optional class kit for an exclusive design will be offered. Those wishing to do so may bring a project from home and seek assistance if desired. '
As stated in the brochure there is an optional class kit. It is at the painters as we speak. And, like the rest of us, the painters have been quarantined too. So we wait.
As it stands now, Norwegian has not released the hotel at which we are staying. As soon as we have that bit of information we shall share it. We can still select our staterooms and make plans while we await that announcement. Gives us something positive to think about and plan during this world upheaval.
To discuss the trip particulars contact our agent Ruth Ann at Platinum Travel here in KY. Her email is . Please keep in mind that they, too, are understaffed at this time. In KY we have a mandatory business shutdown and the travel industry falls into the unfortunate category of that group. However, this does not stop us from planning and getting our ducks in a row. You can register, pick your stateroom, etc. for now as we look forward to a wonderfully peaceful, colorful, warm and relaxing stitching adventure. I hope you choose to join us.
I'm so glad I do not work in the Travel Industry at this time!
Here's this week's freebie stitch. I am so happy to see more and more designers jumping on the band wagon to share ideas with you. And to think we've already been doing it for what - 12 weeks and this go round? And a couple years ago we shared stitches every Wednesday - anybody remember that? Sheena James, Mary, so many have been doing it continually for quite some time. Technology can be great sometimes (when it works). Explore and see what you find.
The Leaf stitch is so versatile. This can be used for leaves (kinda obvious), backgrounds, fills, accents, etc. Have fun!