Who would have thought 2 months ago most of us (at least those in my age bracket) would be sitting at home, self-quarantined, enjoying our time without feeling guilty that we should be 'out' doing something? While it is a very scary time it is also a peaceful time. I have been quite ill with a cold! Very annoying! My doctor graciously phoned in an antibodic so I would not need to come in. I'm sure because I had no fever, chills, dry cough nor recent exposure to the listed countries had a great deal to do with his willingness to do so. Especially since I am considered to be in that 'vulnerable' group as well.
I'm sure you think this must be the greatest of problems especially since all I want to do is sit and stitch anyway. Well there is a deal breaker in this scene. My eyes will not focus! I keep drops in them because they get so dry, etc. So here I sit looking at my wonderful floor stand with mounted canvas needing my attention and I can't see the holes. I have magnifying lights of every size and description - no help. It is very frustrating. A truly sad problem to have - right? Wrong! In the overall scheme of things I do basically have my health, my hubby, family and I could go on and on about my bountiful blessings. The Lord is good to me and mine and I don't want to sound like a complainer! So, this is not a whiny fussing, it is just a statement of what is going on here at Arthur Acres.
Hubby and I got a beautiful, generous gift from our children. They insisted on providing us with Home Chef and stated that this means we cannot leave the house maximum of 1 time a week. We also had our neighbor check on us via phone to see if we needed anything. Keep in mind that we are still in an agricultural zone so we are not within 'hollering' distance of each other so it is great to have them call and reconfirm what we already knew - they are there if we need them.
Things have drastically changed in the world of Needles 'N Fins as well. As I told you last week our Tulip Time on the Rhine stitching cruise was cancelled by the cruise line. What a mess! A blessing but a mess nonetheless! We cruisers are so out of control here. It is hurry up and wait. It seems that in this new situation most all cruise lines have a policy of providing cruising credit - not a refund! Disappointment #1 for many. Next because of the volume involved the travel agents apparently are not moving quickly enough for some cruisers. Third is the airlines - what a nightmare. And fourth is the insurance. Personally I know there is nothing I can do - or what I can do for my personal situation (and I, too, am a cruiser) may upset the apple cart of what the travel agent is trying to accomplish on the group's behalf. So we sit and wait as she works through the logistics and frustratingly wait for feedback from the various suppliers they deal with. Oh my gosh! Think of all the side trips, the days of extension, the various upgrades, and on and on. I am getting a headache trying to imagine what they are going through. So I have been asked to wait as they try to work their magic as we still have time on the cancellation clock.
They are trying to have a group rescheduling. This may not work for many but at least it could be an option. Otherwise we will need to explore various options individually as the opportunity presents itself.
Just try to be patient! That is very difficult when we are actually talking $$$$.
On a more positive note, our Hawaiian Island Hopping Cruise had its introduction ad appear in the recent issue of Needlepoint Now. April 15-April 24, 2021 is the date to mark down. This stitching adventure promises warm sunshine, cool breezes and lots and lots of color! We will explore Oahu, Maui, Kauai and Hawaii (aka The Big Island). Contact Russ at russ@platinumtvl.com to get yourself registered for this next adventure. We will be sailing on the Norwegian Pride of America. Slightly larger than we generally travel on but if we want to hop the islands it is our mode of transportation! We hope to spend 2 nights in Honolulu, one day of which will be an exclusive class. Canvases are at the painters as we write this! There will be so many options available on this wonderful way to visit all the islands of our very own Hawaii!
Nightmare #2. Domestic events are being cancelled left and right.
Our wonderful NAN Assembly to be held in Troy, Michigan had to be cancelled.
The Spring trade show in Orlando, FL had to be postponed.
The Royal School of Needlework summer classes here in the US had to be cancelled.
All the above events were bringing in a multitude of stitchers from all over so I can see these precautions were necessary. Many individual, smaller events are still being held and are reviewed on a day-by-day basis.
Our next event is in Orlando, FL at The Black Sheep. This will involve a small group and, to date, will go forward as planned. We will be sharing two classes for participants to sign up for.
First is the techniques class of Can Do Hairdos.
The stitch guide for this 2-day class with be the book from our Pocketbook Series. There may be some additional surprises as well.
The second 2-day class is the fun and colorful Wacky Flamingos from Amanda Lawford with our stitch guide and different approach.
Craziness abounds with these guys. There are crazy threads, crazy techniques, bling from threads, beads and gems! You don't want to miss this one. Contact Anne at The Black Sheep to reserve your spot. Space is very limited!
Contact Anne at http://www.theblacksheepshop.com and sign up to play with us.
Next on the agenda will be the ANG Seminar scheduled to be held in Tucson, AZ in August. We are teaching several classes there and would love to have you join us. Registration is now open! Don't wait too long to register!
We are teaching the Crazy Needles Journey - Journey because of stitches named for various countries/nationalities - French, Dutch, Paris. Our second 2-day class is Flags of Glory. Both these projects offer ribbon, beads, silks and many beautiful threads and techniques out the wazhoo!
Go to needlepoint.org under events - seminar - and register. We'd love to have you join us!
The response to the Maine Retreat is very, very exciting! Have you placed your vote in the poll yet? Visitors who register are asked to mark their first, second and third choices for their class time at this fantastic venue. Be sure to register early as space is limited. Can't wait to see what you have chosen for possible classes. I, of course, have a few that I am partial too - Peanut Butter and Jelly is my hands down favorite. Look at those sweet faces.

Be sure to register right away as spaces are very limited.
Next new class to be added to the agenda will be Kissmas Eve.
This sweet. couple will have its first class to start mid-May. Invoices for the $150 lesson packet will be mailed in early April. Watch your email boxes if you have indicated an interest in the class. There is still plenty of time to join so just email us at duodesignsinc@yahoo.com. Be sure to have your LNS order your canvas and get ready for the posting of the material list in the secret FB page. If you do not have a LNS and need assistance I will be working with a shop that will kit exactly what we list and use ourselves for the design. You may request that we provide them with your contact information so you can work together getting the materials you may need. I am not involved in anyway with the relationship between you and the shop.
Last week someone (cough! cough!) messed up and posted the wrong stitch. So, to save face we decided to just post 2 stitches and move on. We should be back on track now.
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