Isn't it amazing how busy the holiday seasons become! No matter how much ahead you plan or how prepared you think you are, boom! It is upon you before you know it! Next thing you know we'll be preparing our taxes. UGH! I did not just say that.
I just found a surprise. Someone posted about where they were on the Top 50 Blogs so I went to look. Didn't even know there was such a thing. Hey! Look what I found! This was a fun, unexpected and exciting find! We made the list!
34. Sandy Arthur | Needlepoint blog

Frequency 1 post / week
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Great surprise. I have no idea how this is determined but I'll take it! So if you are in position where you can do so be sure to subscribe to the newsletter - I take it that's the way they determine where you rank unless you see some place that asks for input. Thanks to everyone for your support!
This private Facebook page is used to discuss and share ideas for upcoming stitching cruises hosted by Duo Designs. We primarily go on riverboats as that is our favorite laid back way of traveling. Occasionally we must move up to a bit of a larger boat depending on our destination. Hawaii Cruise will be one of those destination. There is only one cruise line that does the Hawaiian Island Hopping cruise that we desire to host. We are in the planning stages for our trip and currently negotiating with agents to secure a contract. Our target date is mid-April 2021. Block that on your calendar! You don't want to miss out on the fun.
Our last few cruises have sold out - for which we are grateful. We deliberately try to keep our numbers around 50 or less. We like the intimacy and we like the freedom to be able to give stitching time with each of you as you need and ask for it. If you are seriously considering playing with us please try to make plans and reservations early. I am always saddened when someone cannot join us because they waited too long and there was no room at the inn.
We are heavily into preparations for our upcoming Tulip Time on the Rhine stitching cruise that will take place in April 2020. We have so much fun on these adventures.
NOTICE: We only have 1 spot left on this cruise. If you want to join us
and need a roommate, Dec. 19 is the deadline. We have the roommate.
Contact us right away or we will have to sail without you! Oh No. Liz
is and we are
I so love our exclusive design for this trip. What more could you expect other than windmills and tulips when beginning a cruise in The Netherlands. Only those cruisers registered as stitchers may sign up for and purchase this optional class. There will be structured class times to work on this design. There are also other times set aside to work with those who bring items from their stash and want assistance with those. We are there to assist you. We work with questions such as what thread is suggested, how about a color, is there a stitch that might work better in an area than another one, etc. With our class sizes everyone is able to benefit from the instructions being given to whomever. We always suggest that people bring a doodle cloth in case there is a stitch being discussed with someone else that they would like to try out. Some even email us a picture of a design and point out a problem area that they might like for us to assist. So this is the exclusive design for our cruise participants. It will not be available commercially until several months after the cruise.
Windmill and Tulips
Yes, you are reading that correctly. Last week we announced that we would be sharing an online project with our followers. This is our version of Pay it Forward. The class will involve weekly postings of a stitch that is created in the shape of a heart. These stitches are contained in our stitch guide entitled Hearts A to Z. The name was derived from taking letters of the alphabet and applying a stitch to that letter and then stitch in the shape of a heart. The end result is a sampler of 26+ stitches.
My sampler decided to live in a tray.
The first posting in January 2020 will give you information of the canvas used, the various threads and some hints. The only requirement is that you check in to the blog each weekend to get that week's stitch The postings may be downloaded and printed. They are, of course, copyrighted and are meant for my supporters who visit the blog on a regular basis. Anyone may use them - just don't abuse them please.
Tomorrow is mid-month and when we share our monthly lessons for the various Mystery Classes. Next week we will share some photos of the results for this month's sessions.
In the meanwhile we are accepting reservations for our next classes. Still time to register for At the Seashore by Sandra Gilmore. Sit and stitch in the comfort of your own surroundings and at your own pace!
The first session is scheduled for mid-January. The 6-lesson packet is $150 and is invoiced through PayPal. We have a shop that is preparing kits for those needing assistance so if you want to participate in the class just email us at I love, love, love how the rug turned out.
The next class is the Fall Wreath with Scarecrow from PLD. Can't wait to get into this one too! Of course most of you who have followed me for some time know that I won't stitch something I don't like.
This guy has so much going on that it is an 8-lesson project. The 8-lesson packet is $175.00. First session mid-February. Email to join:
The next is Kissmas Eve from PLD. Isn't this just the sweetest design! A perfect name too!
This class will be shared in 6-sessions. First session scheduled for mid-May.
For more details on any of these classes just scroll down through older posts. If you do not find what you need just send us an email at and we'll try to answer your questions.
Let's see, we have summer, fall and winter - we need something spring don't we? Open for suggestions and requests.
Have a great week! Stay warm (in our case here in Central KY - although yesterday was lovely) and safe.
1 comment:
You were on there before my blog and I was added in 2017. Initially, I ignored the email about it thinking it was spam! But, it has some great blogs. Congratulations!
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