As we prepare to post the upcoming Lessons for the Online Mystery Classes in three more days, I just wanted to bring you up to 'snuff' on where we are on other items as well.
We will be introducing Steampunk Cat from Brenda Stofft as our next new Mystery.
As is pretty much typical for me, I try to start with the background first and get all that in place for a foundation upon which to build and stitch all our other fun stuff. So, Session 1 included the moon, sky, some hills, etc. You may still join if you would like to do so. Just email me at The first lesson will be posted Tuesday, August 15.

Next up, as promised is Uncle Sam, an exclusive from Pepperberry Designs. He is so fun too. (I know I use the word 'fun' a lot, but that is what I do - I have fun! If not, I try to avoid it. Life is far to short to waste it on something unenjoyable.)

Coming soon
Santa Ornament Wreath from Raymond Crawford is slated to begin September 15.
It doesn't seem possible that this guy is up next! WOW! I love these canvases that provide opportunities to try several techniques, threads and stitches and not consume your life doing them! Invoicing is currently going on. So still plenty of time to join us. If you think you registered for this class and did not get an invoice, please email me right away at and we'll get you in there. Or, if you have a burning desire to join us, there is still plenty of time. Get that canvas ordered from your LNS. If you need assistance contact me and we will help! We also have a thread/embellishment kit option available for those who might need it. We are having the kits prepared as we speak! Just email for details at
Nutty Professor
The canvas is by JP Needlepoint. Get it ordered right away from your LNS. Let me know if you need assistance and we'll track one down for you. Lesson packets have been invoiced and processed. If you did not receive and think you jointed, just email me as above.
New Additions:
We are working on the new Reindeer designs from Raymond Crawford to include in our upcoming Online Mystery Classes!
The criteria may be a little different from the normal sessions. I am thinking of possibly doing 4 sessions at every other month but a little more in depth. Also, I want to squeeze them in beginning around January possibly.

Stay tuned for details as they develop!
Tips to Treasure
(or not - lol)
Compensation! So many hate the word much less the process. I tend to approach compensation as a simple matter. Look where you need to go from where you are to do a particular stitch, then cut it off where you are required to stop on the canvas. It is not always going to be a beautiful line depending on the technique, etc. But, it will be a necessary line to stay true to the design.
To assist in demonstrating compensation, create a shape that needs to be filled with stitching. For our purposes we are using a heart. (Notice this is rather angular but we'll deal with that later.)

It is obvious that these full stitches would not give the
end results that might be desired for this piece. It would create a very ragged
heart shape.
What to do?
Let’s examine
the stitches that cross over our heart shape and see how we can mitigate the
The red portions shown are illustrating where the stitch
should actually end. But how do you
accomplish this and still have the thread laying in the desired direction?
method is to begin the stitch execution as it would be without considering
compensation. Look at the top right
corner of the heart shape for instance. The next stitch calls for a diagonal Gobelin over 2 canvas threads
moving from lower left to upper right. Bring the needle up at the bottom left corner as if to execute the full
stitch (where the red is). Now lay the
thread on top the canvas and hold it in place as to where the full stitch would
go to the back if there were space to do so. This process allows the thread to lay the way
the stitch normally should and it passes over the area where the stitch needs to
end. You can now see that you need to
plunge your needle at the outline where the red stops and have the stitch
laying properly. The compensated stitch
is in place.
Look slightly to the left of the stitch just discussed. Now the stitch calls for a diagonal Gobelin
stitch but facing in the opposite direction of the ones just executed. You do
not want to just stick a tent stitch in there going from left to right , that would have the stitch going in the wrong direction – you
need the stitch to lay from right to left.
Again, bring the thread to the front as if stitching the normal full
diagonal Gobelin stitch. Lay the thread
across the top and hold in place. Plunge
the needle down where the design line stops – the little red marks.
altered illustration shows how the heart would look if stitched within the
outlined area. When doing the actual
stitch some adjustments may be made to make the area more appealing to the
eye. As an example, the original heart shape was
very angular. Notice that an adjustment
was made in the upper right section of the heart and full stitches were used in
place of those that were originally going to be compensated (the second heart with red lines).This resulted in a more rounded and pleasing shape.
Hopefully, this exercise will assist in at least getting the
stitches in the proper position for compensation. Design area and personal choice will dictate
the actual stitch length, etc.
Have a great weekend and remember to Stitch with a Smile!
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