We are going to play with and experience using so many lovely things in this upcoming class. Look at the silks, wools, cottons, ribbon, metallics, rayons and on an on. Can't wait to share them with the students. The first Session is scheduled to be posted August 15 - are you ready?
Those who ordered thread/embellishment kits through my source, they have been mailed and you should look for them in next week's mail. If you think you ordered the kit, email me right away so we can see what the status is - duodesignsinc@yahoo.com. I am assuming you have all ordered your canvas and are ready to go! Too fun as always.
Registration is underway for our next ONLINE MYSTERY - Santa Wreath Ornament by Raymond Crawford.
This guy is so jolly that you can't help but enjoy stitching each and every one of the 25 or so ornaments that make up his wreath - not to mention the Jolly Guy himself!
The class is scheduled to begin mid-September. It is a 6-month class. The class is conducted in a secret Facebook Page. The 6-lesson packet is $150. Order your canvas right away from your Local Needlepoint Shop. If you do not have a LNS contact us as duodesignsinc@yahoo.com and we will help you with your materials for the class. Invoices for the lessons will be processed around the first of August. Come join the fun! It will be delightful. Look at all the bling!
November will be introducing the first lesson of the Gingerbread House from Rebecca Wood.
This large canvas makes up into a 3-D Gingerbread House approximately 9" in size. Remember to order your canvas right away! If you need assistance just email at duodesignsinc@yahoo.com
First Session is scheduled for November.
All the kits have been mailed for the Eagle Star in the Quickie Series.

What's up next you ask? Why Uncle Sam of course.
Registration for this Exclusive Pepperberry Designs class is going quite well. We have reordered the canvases. Remember class kits are limited so when these are gone they are gone. The all-inclusive class is $135 for the hand-painted exclusive design, threads/embellishments, 2 lessons provided in a pdf format and shipping. If you want to join us just email me at duodesignsinc@yahoo.com and we will start the process.
And wait until you see the future QUICKIES! They are all going to be such a joy to stitch and add to our 'bouquet' of red-white-blue pieces.
There are several very active classes taking place in this grouping. And they are all fun and at various stages of their cycle. Students interact, ask additional questions, request clarification, request substitutes, etc. I thought I might, from time to time, share some of these questions with you as possible tips.
Today someone was being stumped while we were stitching a circle. I offered several alternatives to the stitch that was in the stitching lesson. One suggestion was to fill the circle (or in this case a half-circle) with satin stitches. Here's how I approach circles.
First, I mark the circle into quadrants. If doing a half circle mark in the center.
Now we have 4 pieces of a pie - N-S-E-W.
When stitching rounded areas it is generally best to begin in the center and work out to an edge. In this case work from N to W or N to E. When you get to the edge, return to the center and finish the circle in the other direction.
Illustration shows stitching from the center of a semi-circle to the West of the first quadrant. Return to the center and complete this quadrant over to the East portion. You have completed a half-circle.
Turn canvas upside down and repeat to go a full circle.
NOTE: On the inside area (the smaller circle side) you will need to share holes as you progress around the area.
Hope this was helpful to some when approaching stitching a circle.
Thanks for posting the circle tutorial Sandy😀
Thank you Sheena for following! Love your sharing too!
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