Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday Whimsies - July 3, 2013 - Nobuko

Wednesday Whimsies - July 3, 2013  -  Nobuko

Just returned from a whirlwind visit to California interacting with several chapters.  More about that in another post.

Today I am sharing one of my favorite background stitches - the Nobuko.  I am, in fact, using it right now on a piece that I am writing a stitch guide for Brenda Stofft.  Can't wait to get it finished.

The Nobuko is a diagonal stitch.  It is easily stitched in different directions.  For instance, if you have a jacket, the left side facing the stitcher can be stitched as above.  The right side facing the stitcher can be stitched slanting in the opposite direction by merely turning the canvas a quarter turn.

Enjoy the stitch and add another section to your Notebook!

Have a great 4th of July everyone and be safe and remember our Military Personnel!


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