Just a little over 2 weeks left to register for the ANG Tucson Virtual Seminar Classes! I understand registration is going well. Can't wait to see who all is going to play with me. I so enjoyed doing both of these designs.
Crazy Needles Journey
Look at this guy! There are over 25 diagrams in this little sampler. Also beads, ribbon and a multitude of threads. A wide variety to whet your appetite! Sign up today!
Flags of Glory.
This guy, too, has a multitude of techniques and fun things going on. In addition to playing with threads we'll work with beads, ribbons and sequins and play with a little different twist on padding and adding ribbon fills.
I love that there are very few classes where some might be disappointed because they could not get in. This is such an unusual opportunity to allow as many to take the classes who choose to.
Remember the clock is ticking so go online and register!
And while you are at it, support the group by purchasing Seminar products. They may still be purchased! Did you see the name tag? Isn't that wonderful!
The Secret Group has been set up for the next Mystery Class - Just Add Water from CBK designs.
If you think you should be a member to this group and have not sent your invitation just email duodesignsinc@yahoo.com so we can get that corrected. There is still time to join the crowd if you would like to participate in this class.

When I read the following article recently I immediately thought of what I am continually telling my students. Sometimes I feel we get too involved with perfection and lose the joy of the stitching - or as my daughter says - the journey.
Inspirations All Stitched Up: Issue 236
Thank you for pointing out that making an error is not a ‘showstopper’. When I teach embroidery classes, I encourage students not to worry about whether their stitches are perfect or not, or that their flower doesn't look perfect.
My schtick goes as follows: go and look at flowers and trees. They are rarely symmetrical. Different parts of the trees and flowers grow at different rates. Insects chew on them. Bees land on them creating small distortions. If your petal doesn't look like a petal and you really hate it, take it out.
But if your petal could just use some enhancement, go ahead and stitch on top of it. Add more stitches. Add an insect hole.
It's OK, no one will see the original and if you don't point out your mistakes, no one will know that you altered the piece to suit your skills. It will be beautiful because you made it.
I see so many people wasting their time tearing out stitching that is off by one or two threads. Be creative and adjust the pattern. It will rarely make a difference to the overall design.’ Your advice is absolutely perfect Stephanie, well said. The truth about nature itself being replete with individual variations including insect holes and petal distortions, when taken to heart, could save many of us a lot of time and frustration.
PAY IT FORWARD - HEARTS A to Z SAMPLER - Free weekly stitch
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