Lots of hope and anticipations for the future New Year! Always seems like a fresh start when that number rolls over. Wonder why? It is just the next day on the calendar and yet we approach it with much excitement , hope, reverance and expectations!
If you are in the market for a wide range of needlework books, be sure too check out Ruth Kern Books at her blog http://ruthkernbooks.blogspot.com/…/december-2016-blog-may Ruth used to host the fantastic book stores for the various Seminars, Regional Seminars, Workshops, etc. She has been tremendously missed at these venues. She does, however, manage to keep us supplied with the new - and the vintage - publications that we all cherish.
I am very proud to have headed Ruth's Most Requested Needlework Books of 2016 list (wonder if the fact that my name begins with an 'A' had anything to do with that - LOL).
Check out Ruth's website and if you need something in particular give her a try - she is a great detective at finding what seems to slip right by us.
From Ruth's blog:
Most Requested Needlework Books of 2016
Can't leave 2016 without remembering the most requested needlework books of this past year. With all the hustle and bustle of 2016 maybe we should slow down and review what we learned and what we accomplished. Happy New Year!

Okay, 2017 is officially underway! Invoices were mailed last month for the first posting of the New Year -
Large Easter Rabbit by Brenda Stofft will have his first session posted on January 15! Only one week away! Wow it seemed like this project was a kazillion years away and here it is! I think I am going to cause a lot of trouble on this one.
But wait . . . . Invoices have just gone out for the 'squeeze me in' design - the Steampunk Fox also by Brenda Stofft. The first session for this handsome guy will be February 15.
Oh lordy help us all! Do you have any idea how many different colors of thread are needed for this guy? What about textures? Look at the various trinkets? Oh my, oh my! Am I in heaven or what? Also, if assistance is needed for gathering materials let us know. Many do not have local needlepoint shops or shops that have a wide variety of options.
There is still time to participate in either or both of these classes. Just email me at duodesignsinc@yahoo.com for details - or take a glance on down this blog to older posts and see the entire 2017 class agenda!
We are already sharing Session 3 in the Santa's Rewards Class. Session 4 was very productive.
The highlight was giving him reading glasses so he could see our wish list better!
Session 5 of Robin's Wreath will be shared on the 15h! In Session 4 we did more spectacular leaves and finished the fruits.
In Session 4 of our fantastic Pillow Collage class we really pushed the envelope. Here are some photos of a couple examples of what transpired for that lesson.

Whatever is in store for Session 5? Mercy!
We introduced a new approach to one of our larger upcoming classes. Gingerbread House by Rebecca Wood will be introduced in mid-November. However due to the size and the relatively simple background planned for this piece we are offering those who wish to be able to - start the Lesson 1 early. That way they can have a great deal of the 'boring' background done and be ready for the fun stuff on top. We are making arrangements for those who need canvases and/or threads and stretcher bars - so be sure to come join us if you like. Email for details if interested. duodesignsinc@yahoo.com
Yes - 14" x 33" cut canvas size! But packed with so much fun come November!
If you wish to review our 2017 Agenda of Online Mystery Classes, scroll down to our posting of December 19, 2016 - they are all laid out for you. We welcome one and all!
Love working on the special debut exclusive for our upcoming tour to Boston in June! We will be visiting three (3) needlepoint shops as well as seeing all the major sights we should see while there.
Then we hop over to Cape Cod for our full day, official class created by Osterville Needlepoint!
And, as if that wasn't enough, we will have the option of attending a special evening class that you won't want to miss hosted by Joyce of the Osterville Needlepoint Shop.
We need to shake the bushes and get more people signed up for this tour however. The agency has a minimum of 20 people in order for this trip to be finalized and we are a few people short! If you want more details and are interested in joining us, check out the full brochure over on the Needles 'N Fins Facebook page (email me for invitation to the closed group), or go to the blog of www.needlesnfins.blogspot.com. If neither of those work for you just email me at duodesignsinc@yahoo.com and I can forward a brochure to you via email. We'd love to have you come play with us.
Oh, did I mention that we are having a Pajama Party?
Oops! Don't think this one will be appropriate for our venue!
Yeah, this is more our style!
This stitching riverboat cruise is for those with a more international taste. We have over 60 interested parties of which 43+ have paid! That poor 'Po' River will never be the same. Early booking special expires January 16, 2017 so if you are seriously interested in joining us you might want to start moving! Email me at duodesignsinc@yahoo.com, or contact our Viking Travel Agent Liz at lwolak@vikingtvl.com - you will need to pre-register with Duo Designs to be able to participate in the group but you can get all your questions answered prior to doing so. This is becoming a real fun group and heaven only knows what Italy is facing when we all land! Come join us!
This is a picture of the exclusive design that will be taught as the optional class on the cruise. Happy, colorful and just oozing with memories! Canvases are being painted, threads have been ordered and kit-making is in full swing!
There are still a few staterooms left so if you'd like to join us just come on over! Email me at duodesignsinc@yahoo.com or visit the same sights as listed above to download a full brochure. Viking Travel is handling all the travel details for my group so we are in good hands! Contact Liz at lwolak@vikingtvl.com if you have some travel specific questions.
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