Saturday, March 19, 2016


Don't get me wrong, I feel privileged that I am in a position where I can pay taxes - still that doesn't make it fun. Paying taxes means I am gainfully employed which is more than many can say in this day - so I shall suffer through.  Okay enough of that gloom!

I am looking forward to my 4-day embellishment class at Designers Desk in Historic Geneva, which is outside of Chicago, IL. April 8-11 is the event.

If you have never been to this establishment you are missing a treat.  Three floors of nothing but needlework - the basement (which is tons of fun) has everything from 50% to 75% off!  Oh dear!  I always get into so much trouble here even when I am teaching.

If you haven't reserved your space be sure to call Pat and get your seat set up!  I'd love to have you join us!

We posted our first lesson for the Online Mystery Class Thanksgiving Critters this week.

Our first lesson consisted of the background, the ground and the checked foundation.

And, I received my Online Mystery Class Harvest finished from the finisher.

It is always exciting to get something totally finished.  I rarely have items for myself but this one is mine!

Many FB participants on the site referred to as Needlepoint Nation have had the pleasure of seeing a couple of the Online Mystery Class Easter Wreath finished.  They are so cute.  Also some have posted the completed Online Mystery Class Harvest.

(Here is Easter Wreath as stitched by Nancy W. - I lifted this off the Needlepoint Nation site)

I am so proud of all my students and their efforts!  Thank you so much for allowing me to share my love with you.

We are gearing up and taking registrations for some other classes at this time.  Next up is the Pillow Collage.  

This one is one of my personal favorites!  I have been very anxiously awaiting this one's place on the que.  The design area is approximately 26" x 15" on 18ct canvas. The 6-lesson packet is $150 like most all the other classes, however, we are going to work on one lesson every other month this time around.  That gives you 2 months to savor what that lesson encompasses.  If you have not yet signed up and are interested in this class just email me at and let me know to put you on the notification list.  Invoices will be going out in a couple of weeks around the first of April.

There is also a "Special" Online Mystery Class in the works.  "Special" means that it does not adhere to the normal 'rules'.  Brenda Stofft's gynormous  (is that a word?) design Arctic Santa caught the fancy of several people so it is now on board for our pleasure.

WOW!  Is this stunning or what?

This class has a lesson fee of $260.  It will have a minimum of 10 lessons.  It is a 'sporadic' class.  This means there is no set time when a lesson will be posted.  When I have one ready and feel comfortable with posting a lesson it will be added to the secret Facebook page.  We guess that this class will take at least 2 years to cover.  In the next posting I hope to share with you how I will be setting up my work station for this piece.  The face is a no-brainer and I will have it as my travel piece to work on plane rides.  And, guess what, it will probably be included in Lesson 1! The other areas are a different story!

If you have the time, scroll down through some older posts and see some of the other offerings we have coming up this year and even into 2017:  Happy Haunting Grounds from Eye Candy;  Robin Wreath from Melissa Prince; Santa Rewards from Devon Nicholson; Large Easter Rabbit from Brenda Stofft;  Chanukah Menorah from Tapestry Fair; Songbirds from Laurel Burch; and Cupcakes from BB Needlepoint just to name a few!  We continue auditioning designs and listening to what you, the participants, would like for us to feature.  Keep watching and let us hear from you.

Until next time remember to stitch with a smile!


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