Yolanda and I have been busy the last several days visiting (through cyberspace of course) with shops where I have taught in the past seeking out ones that are interested in preparing kits for the various classes. We have heard back from several of them and as soon as I have figured out what supplies I will be needing we will be getting closer to knowing more. We are going to have such great materials to work with.
There will be luscious threads throughout the whole design - some of which I hope will be new to some who are stitching along with me. I know some are going to be new to the shop that might be doing that particular kit. (Hey, the thread is new in some cases - LOL.)
Beads! OMG! Did I say BEADS! Get a container because they may be rolling across the floor. If you have a kitty cat you are going to drive it crazy. Not only beads but there will also be crystals.
My mind is still in a whirl working through the blouse. There is so much I want to do with it. Still playing with several options on that one and matching that area with the providing shop.
Sombrero is gonna be fun and hopefully will work up fairly quickly. My testing thread will be arriving this week and the shop is already picked out to do that one so I'm good to go on it.
The black glistening hair tucked neatly under the hat.
The colorful braids! Woo! Hoo!
The beautiful red satin ribbon!
Can you tell I'm getting excited.
Oh, did I mention that there would be BEADS?
Well, as you may or may not know, this will be a work in progress. That is how I work so the mystery continues . . . . .
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