First up is to remind all that the updates for the Shapes of Needlepoint and Shapes of Needlepoint 2 Apps are totally updated to handle the new IOS 10 and are available for updating for those who have them. For those who do not but would like to purchase them, jump over to iTunes and get them on your iPad and iPhone now! Don't miss out on this convenience.
Direct link:
I get many inquiries as to whether or not I plan to make III and IV into apps or for android. Sadly, at this point in time there are no such plans in place. Plans can change however but as for now the answer is no.
I just finished teaching the fun and cute Heloise Hooty by ACOD (now B & B) to the fantastic ANG Piney Pointers Group. We had such fun and what a setting. I am always happy to get invited to LaTorretta Resort in Conroe, TX. I have been fortunate that this has been my fourth visit to the place. So relaxing and you can't ask for a more peaceful setting.
Next on the trip was three days of embellishment at Chandail in Houston, TX. We had a plethora of canvases on which we embellished and brought to life. Such colorful and delightful designs that the students had selected for us to play with (I know I ended with a preposition - shoot me!). I have as much fun as they do.
Now I am home and am facing the 'catching up' that must be done after being away for an extended period. The next group of lessons were timely posted - phew! It was sorta touch and go since I had a big gap of 2 weeks of my 'normal' life totally erased from my calendar - but we made it.
Needlepoint in New England Retreat April 27-29, 2018!
This event is held in Connecticut and hosted by The Enriched Stitch. Look at this wonderful Maggie piece that I call Winter Cardinal. It is an exclusive for The Enriched Stitch and offers so much to explore! Isn't he wonderful?
The response to this class has been amazing and I am very flattered and looking forward to the event. In the meanwhile the fingers are flying and the brain is whirring with ideas!
For information and to register, visit the website - this is an adventure waiting to happen! Lots of fun stuff to consider. Spaces are filling quickly I understand!
This month we introduced a new class entitled Songbirds from Danji - an interpretation of the Laurel Burch designs.
There is still time to participate if interested. The first lesson covers the background so that is going to take a bit of time so you will not be 'behind'. We are aware of some canvases in stock so there should be minimal waiting for the canvas at this point. If assistance is needed just email us at
The kits for the first QUICKIE - USA STAR from Raymond Crawford are being packed and ready for shipping next week. Participants expect an email from me stating that your kit is on the way. Let me know if you do not hear from me and you think you are part of the group. There are a limited number of these kits so if you want to join us it is a first-come, first-served for those few remaining. This all-inclusive class included the painted canvas, threads, embellishments and two lessons posted in pdf format for a price of only $100. Just drop an email to if you want to join in!
Next up for the QUICKIES is the STAR EAGLE from Raymond. It will work well as a companion piece.

This all-inclusive kit is $120 which includes the canvas, threads and two-lessons posted in pdf format. Email me at if interested.
Keep in mind that these classes have limited enrollment because of canvas availability. We estimate the number needed for the anticipated enrollment and when they are gone they are gone. We do not reorder so that we may have a quick (QUICKIE) turn around.
I recently shared the photo below with a friend of what my husband did this past winter while I was on the road so much. I know we discuss stash, but, my stash is embarrassing - and I love it! No apologizes.
I recently shared the photo below with a friend of what my husband did this past winter while I was on the road so much. I know we discuss stash, but, my stash is embarrassing - and I love it! No apologizes.
And what is more sinful, he made me two. This one happens to hold my beads and beading supplies. Not my jewelry making beads (that's another story), just my needlework beads, charms, buttons, thread, etc.
The long drawers are where I keep my current work-in-progress projects for the Online Mystery Classes as I rotate them.
There is also a work shelf that comes in handy. And, yes, notice the foot stool. I am tall but I cannot see over the tops of the top couple drawers. However, that is where I put the less used items such as felted balls, etc.
And, if you think my cup doesn't runneth over - look what popped up this morning!
Eldest Granddaughter with her two babies!
I am truly blessed and thank the Lord every day of my life for my bounty! Have a great weekend and week!
Me thinks I should get my butt out there and deadhead!
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