Houston Shop Visit . . . ABC Stitch Therapy
Here's a post I started and forgot to post. I am now at EGA Seminar in Phoenix and seeing Marie is what reminded me that I had not posted. The shop looks great and I think they will have a very successful experience.
Last week:
I arrived safe and sound in Houston. Even though there were storms when I left home and storms along the way, and even though the captain told us the flight was going to be very rough the first half hour or so it was wonderfully smooth! I was even able to accomplish some paper work along the way.
Got in on time and my friend Nancy was jolly on the spot. It was great seeing her. It has really been quite a while since we have been able to get together and play.
After a great night's sleep we hit the road for a quick shop visit. I was taken to the newer shop just outside Houston called ABC Stitch Therapy. What a wonderful shop! It was a little hard to find although it is large and in a small shopping center. The have only been at their location a little over a year I think and they don't have adequate signage for your first visit. But, believe me, it is worth cruising slowly around the shopping center to find them. The sign is tiny and over the top of the door where the address number is.
The ladies are absolutely fantastic hostesses. Here I am with Elisa and Marie the shop owner.
This time we talked Dee into joining us.
It was difficult to get these gals to slow down long enough to take a picture. They always had time to assist in searching out a thread, toy, etc., but didn't want to spend too much time photographing - lol.
You see these gals are loading the trucks getting ready to host the shop for the EGA Seminar in Phoenix in a few days! What a treat we are in for, those of us fortunate enough to be able to attend, and I am one of those. Yea!
The thread selection at this shop is awesome and plan to spend quite some time searching out all the selections. I could easily have gone out with three times more than I did and I will not share with you the $$$ I left there. But it was worth every penny, believe me.
After we left the shop we crossed the road and went to a great Chinese restaurant for lunch.
Then we had to stop at a shop called Beadiholic. I was able to restrain myself a little more there but they had fantastic crystals and cute ideas to play with.
Okay, had to get home and get ready for my classes that begin tomorrow. I have two huge classes coming up. Thursday and Friday I have 28 students signed up. Fortunately some of them switched over to ghosting so even though we still have a large body count, it will be manageable. Saturday there are 37 signed up. Again some are going ghost and a couple, such as Sue Ella and Martha, will be helping assist with group as they took the class at Seminar as well. Isn't that sweet of them! We can't manage things without friends!
Well, gotta get to my passion and I'll try to report back in before too long!
Have a great weekend and remember to Stitch with a Smile!