Wednesday, October 22, 2014

EGA Tuesday. . .

Okay, I'm not the world's greatest blogger.  I'm too busy having fun and I forget to take pictures.

We added the butte yesterday.  That sure was different and we created rocks.  Haven't added my mesa nor rocks yet.

Today we are adding felt to our dragon and stuffing him.

Then we added the eyebrows and the eye. Oh and his Arizona turquoise cabochon.  We understand our other turquoise chips, etc. are from China but his cabochon is from Arizona!

I forgot to mention that we started the wings yesterday and today we had to work on the wings more. And guess what?  We get to work on wings for homework!  Oops!  Didn't know we'd have homework.

Today's bonus was that we were invited to sign books in the Ruth Kern Bookstore during the lunch break. It was the least I could do for Ruth (and I'm sure the others agree).  We had too much fun doing this.

Someone was nice enough to take a picture of us all together - thank you Pam.  Front row Jane Nichols, me Sandy Arthur, Alison Cole, back row Ruth Kern (she looks great) and Anne Strite-Kurz. We were able to chit-chat a little but mostly work! Oh, did I mention miss lunch?  Hey, that's what power bars and crackers are for right?

Okay, gotta get to work on my homework and then real work I brought from home!

Later. . .



How do I describe my first face-to-face encounter with Alison Cole?  A delight.  We have gone back and forth the last couple of years via internet but I had never met her.  She doesn't know it, but we are soul sisters.  Why do I say this?  Because one of the first things she did was take off her shoes!  My kinda gal!  The only downside I have discovered so far is that she talks funny!  Well, this country girl will figure it out eventually - we gotta get her to slow down!

Isn't she just the cutest?  And she had teenaged children!  Unbelievable.  She is a delight and you must take a class with her if you have the opportunity.

I was fortunate enough to get into the wonderful dragon class.  What am I going to do with a dragon? I don't know but look at all the wonderful techniques!  I (how shall I say this diplomatically) am not fond of gold work.  I love to look at it, respect it, don't want to do it.  I sorta overlooked that little part of the project when I got so excited about it.  Thank heavens there is enough other stuff about this piece that will entice me to continue on.


I also was lucky enough to be at a table with only 2 chairs (all the others have 3).  And I had seen my table mate in the airport in Atlanta where she came up to me and guessed where I was going!  And she even guessed what class I was taking!  Wow!  Okay, I was carrying a large 20 x 20 piece of laced canvas, which happened to be the same thing she was carrying. Sheila is from Atlanta.  We did not get to chat in the airport as we were boarding but we are getting acquainted as we go.

Our class is quite different for many.  The lacing of the canvas and getting it our 'drum tight' and Alison's 'drum tight' are two different things.  Part of the class time involves her going around and lacing everyone's canvas so they are perfect.  Never fear, however, as she gives us plenty of busy work to do while she does this wonderful service for us all.

So far we have traced, transferred, ironed, and - wait - actually took some stitches.  Now, our stitches this morning are with these gawd awful tiny needles with tiny holes using tiny thread!  Oh, did I mention sharp - that and blood thinner medicines go together really well! But we will survive!

This afternoon we got to really get messy and paint our canvas, tyvek and tissue paper.  Now painting tissue paper works just exactly as it sounds - moves around, gets crumbly on itself, but it works.  We must let this all dry before we can use all this great creativity on our project.  Can't wait until tomorrow to really mess it up!

Oh, we got to stitch again.  This time we traced (a skill learned this morning),  transferred to felt, cut out the felt and then applied it to our silk.  Another prep step for the fun coming tomorrow.

I must say that I have been having a great time.  I have been seeing some of my students from previous classes and met some who have signed up for the Mod Ornaments Online Mystery Class.  It is always such a joy to see students face-to-face.

I dropped by the exhibit for next year's classes and they let me fluff up my pumpkin leaves since they had gotten flattened in the shipping process.  Much better now.



Monday, October 20, 2014

EGA National Seminar - Phoenix, AZ

Here I am in Phoenix. Boy is the weather different from what I left in Kentucky at 5 am. this morning.  I think I need to take down a couple of layers of clothing.

Although the flight was fairly smooth and uneventful, it was warm.  The air just wasn't working properly on the plane.  I had a good-sized gentleman sitting on the aisle seat, I was stuck in the middle (couldn't get my normal aisle), and a young lady at the window.

Well, mister aisle decided to hit on miss window the whole time.  Telling her how pretty she was, how smart she was, etc., etc.  This still going on after she 'mentioned' her husband.  Then, miss aisle was fidgety the whole trip.  "Oh I'm burning up" oh I can't stand this heat from the window, oh I'm miserable.  Then moves her computer over to encroach on my computer stating that she has to get away from the heat of the window.  Then constantly ringing for the flight attendant to tell the captain to do something about the heat.  I am amazed that I was able to get as much work done on the plane as I did.

So arrive at Phoenix.  Had I known the shuttle ride was a long as it was I might have opted for a private cab.  But it was a fun ride because 5 of the 7 were EGA Seminar attendees.  Needless to say we had no difficulty conversing.

Room is very nice.  Due to my screw up I did not get my early reservation in as I thought I had so I ended up having to take a suite.  Oh well, you only live once right?

Registration for Seminar is in a building next to the Resort, not inconvenient when moving about properly but it was a little tiring for me.  I located the banquet room, shop and book store.  I had a real treat because I got to see my ole friend Ruth Kern again.  We speak very frequently because she continues to carry my books but I have not seen her in a few years due to her not attending Seminars any more.  We understand this is her last go.  It will be ANG and EGA's loss and I personally will miss seeing her.

So after cleaning up emails I must now think about getting down to the banquet and getting my 'stuff' together for class tomorrow.  I look forward to a full week with Alison Cole from Australia.  It will be lots of fun and heaven only knows what will come out of this class!

More later,


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Houston Shop Visit . . . ABC Stitch Therapy

Here's a post I started and forgot to post.  I am now at EGA Seminar in Phoenix and seeing Marie is what reminded me that I had not posted.  The shop looks great and I think they will have a very successful experience.

Last week:

I arrived safe and sound in Houston.  Even though there were storms when I left home and storms along the way, and even though the captain told us the flight was going to be very rough the first half hour or so it was wonderfully smooth!  I was even able to accomplish some paper work along the way.

Got in on time and my friend Nancy was jolly on the spot.  It was great seeing her.  It has really been quite a while since we have been able to get together and play.

After a great night's sleep we hit the road for a quick shop visit.  I was taken to the newer shop just outside Houston called ABC Stitch Therapy.  What a wonderful shop!  It was a little hard to find although it is large and in a small shopping center.  The have only been at their location a little over a year I think and they don't have adequate signage for your first visit.  But, believe me, it is worth cruising slowly around the shopping center to find them.  The sign is tiny and over the top of the door where the address number is.

The ladies are absolutely fantastic hostesses.  Here I am with Elisa  and Marie the shop owner.

This time we talked Dee into joining us.

It was difficult to get these gals to slow down long enough to take a picture.  They always had time to assist in searching out a thread, toy, etc., but didn't want to spend too much time photographing - lol.

You see these gals are loading the trucks getting ready to host the shop for the EGA Seminar in Phoenix in a few days!  What a treat we are in for, those of us fortunate enough to be able to attend, and I am one of those.  Yea!

The thread selection at this shop is awesome and plan to spend quite some time searching out all the selections.  I could easily have gone out with three times more than I did and I will not share with you the $$$ I left there.  But it was worth every penny, believe me.

After we left the shop we crossed the road and went to a great Chinese restaurant for lunch.

Then we had to stop at a shop called Beadiholic.  I was able to restrain myself a little more there but they had fantastic crystals and cute ideas to play with.

Okay, had to get home and get ready for my classes that begin tomorrow.  I have two huge classes coming up.  Thursday and Friday I have 28 students signed up.  Fortunately some of them switched over to ghosting so even though we still have a large body count, it will be manageable.  Saturday there are 37 signed up.  Again some are going ghost and a couple, such as Sue Ella and Martha, will be helping assist with group as they took the class at Seminar as well.  Isn't that sweet of them!  We can't manage things without friends!

Well, gotta get to my passion and I'll try to report back in before too long!

Have a great weekend and remember to Stitch with a Smile!


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Going back to Houston, Houston, Houston. . . .

Getting ready to board that ole plane in a couple hours and heading to Houston.  I will be teaching two classes there to the Lone Star Chapter ANG.   Crazy Needles Journey is a fun piece that replicates a crazy quilt square with lots of seam embellishments.  The class is full to capacity and there are some that have signed up as ghosts to be able to get the class.  We're gonna play with beads, ribbon embroidery, ruching, and have a great time.

The second class, also sold out and plenty of ghosts, is about beading for needlework.  This class went to lottery at ANG Seminar in Chicago and continues to be a popular one.  

I'm looking forward to seeing my friends there and playing for the week.

Guess what else is in my suitcase?  Mod Ornaments Mystery of course!  I can't put it down.  And my mind is also whirling on the next mystery.  I am about to burst at the seams.

When I get home I get to start preparing to leave for EGA Seminar in Phoenix.  Gotta lot to do to keep me busy!

Keep yourselves busy too and remember to stitch with a smile!


Sunday, October 5, 2014



Today is our son's birthday.  Those of you who know me know that I am a morning person.  So, quite early I sent him a text message.  I told him happy birthday.  I add a question to him.  Do you remember what we were doing together a half-century ago - just the two of us?  His response:
"We were in the middle of a separation as I recall . . ."    I loved it.  For some reason that made me laugh!

Happy Birthday Tim!

 Another exciting event happened to us in this month.  Twenty-one years ago our daughter gave us another son by marrying Mark Kinberger.  Happy Anniversary Terri and Mark.

This is also the birth month of my Mother and Brother, both of whom are now gone.  My younger brother was born on my mother's birthday. They are missed.

So enough of reminiscing - I must get back to work!


Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I have had so much fun stitching on this happy, happy canvas.  How can you be sad with such festive and colorful areas of excitement all over the place?

I am getting inquiries concerning still signing up for the class even though registration is closed.  If you are still interested in participating in this class, email me privately at  Several shops are sponsoring stitch-ins at their shops and they have ordered extra canvases for the last minute 'can't resists' so we might be able to hook you up with someone who has the canvas or has it coming in the next few weeks.

Thread kits are being figured as I get the thread and materials lists ready for publication in the next few days.

So it won't be too much longer . . . . .

In the meanwhile, stitch with a smile!
