Saturday, September 17, 2016


We have been having so much fun between Seminar, Online Mystery Classes, planning Party on the Po Riverboat Cruise and Have a Ball in Boston land tour that we had no idea how quickly events would happen.

We just found out from our travel agent that on our Riverboat traveling the Po River in Italy, of the original 134 staterooms there currently are already over 100 spoken for!  Oh No! Not much room left for us!  We gotta move and move now!

While we are busy watching the free airfare offer that expires on November 4, people have been sneaking in and reserving the staterooms.  So, if you are really wanting to take this trip with us it is suggested that you make your reservations now to hold your room.  This means $200 registration fee to be eligible for the group; $500 deposit for the trip and travel insurance (optional but strongly suggested).  The balance of the trip will be discussed by the travel agent when you commit.  The trip is October 19-29, 2017- yes, a year away and almost full already!  Must be very popular!

Please consider joining us!  We are designing a project specific to our tour and the class is optional.  If you prefer you can bring your own stitching but still join in all the stitching festivities.  

Email me at if you want more information or want to join us!

We just announced our plans for our Have a Ball in Boston land trip as requested by those who prefer to not travel outside the US.  We are still polishing our excursions but the major stuff is in place and can be reviewed on the brochure.  Just email me if you want more information on that trip as well - June 8-13, 2017.

While things have quieted down from Seminar, the frenzy is real here at Arthur Acres trying to fill the orders for our newly released first booklet in our Pocketbook Series - Can Do Hairdos.

The Pocketbook is jam packed with 32 pages of color pictures, illustrations, diagrams and suggestions for sundry hairstyles.  Ask your Local Needlepoint Shop if they have yours.  Many have been ordering -and while only a week on the market, some have already placed reorders!  If you have difficulty ordering the book it is also available on our webpage at

We are finally less than a week away from posting our first lesson in our new Online Mystery Class - Robin's Wreath!  Seems we have been waiting forever!

This piece uses such beautiful and somewhat unusual colors to give us some fantastic results.  You may still join us if you would like - just email me at

And, yes, registration is currently going on for our last Online Mystery Class for 2016 - Santa's Reward.  

Don't miss playing with us on this sweet guy.  Look at that face!  Isn't he wonderful?  Devon Nicholson outdid herself on this one.  To register just send email to

Keep watching for our itinerary for the 2017 Classes!  Coming soon!  In the meanwhile, I am busy getting classes ready to post on the 15th and also packing for a much needed runaway with my daughter and some special friends.  I know it is going to be so fun because some of them are going on the Party on the Po Riverboat Cruise so you know what we will be talking about!  Can't wait!

BULLETIN:  I actually am running away for 5 wonderful stitch-filled days with fantastic friends - including my daughter!

There will be needles flying all over the place because most are avid stitchers like me who basically could live, eat and drink stitching.  Fortunately we don't have to because there are a couple who also like to cook!  YAY us!  I gotta figure out how to bribe them into taking over my meal responsibilities.

The big challenge is what to take?  Not clothes - stitching!  I still will be doing work stitching but in a different environment.  And  I need to find pieces none of them are enrolled in the class in.  Such challenges - lol.

We are staying at Three Sisters of Glenora, NY - check it out.

So sad to have to suffer through such views!  However, you, too, can enjoy this beautiful retreat - if you can find an opening.  Beautiful place.

In the meanwhile have a great weekend and remember to Stitch with a Smile!


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