Thursday, April 4, 2013

Wednesday Whimsies.

Well, did anyone get a chance to stitch their stitch for this week?  I hope so. It only takes a very few minutes to do so.

As promised yesterday, I have something more to share with you today.   Here is a picture of my Double Brick Stitch section in my Notebook.  I have masked off the other two sections because I don't want you to get too impatient with me.

As you can see, I stitched my sample with Silk & Ivory Pumpkin.  It is stitched on 18ct. canvas - I should put that in as a note on my bottom section too because before too long I may not be able to see those holes to count how many threads are to the inch!

I am also showing a section of my spreadsheet.  Keep in mind that this is only a section - I have several more columns on mine but if I copied it all the print would have been too small to read.

I believe you can see that BKGR (backgrounds) has a capitalized X - it is also in bold but does not show up that well here, and the other applicable areas have a small x.  To me, this represents that the actual sample is filed in the Backgrounds section of my Notebook.This is what works for me.  Please share what works for you over in the Yahoo Group for all to consider.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Stitch with a Smile.


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